tr?id=505297656647165&ev=PageView&noscript=1 April 2020 Motorcycle Websites in Poland Analytics
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April 2020 Motorcycle Websites in Poland Analytics

Autor: Tomasz Jaroslawski 2020.05.03, 20:31 Drukuj

April is over. It was an extraordinary month in which social isolation was in force and the life activity of Poles was very limited. As many thought, isolation from traditional social spaces resulted in the transfer of activity to new media.

The widespread call to settle everything online, even meetings at the Easter table with the family, caused Poles to listen to these calls. However, probably no one expected that changes in the behavior of portal users will be so large:

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Number of visits

TOP 5 traffic share

404 157


106 362


100 952


94 206


84 503



790 180


On the chart in the SimilarWeb system, these data broken down into individual identified traffic sources look as follows:

Similar Web channels


The source of successes and failures of individual sites can also be found in the SimilarWEB analytics. The world's largest content aggregators, such as Google, Facebook or Yahoo, not only have the largest number of users in the world, but also they give the largest number of visits to other websites on the internet. Activity on social platforms and search engines has a big influence on the number of people visiting the website. In April, the share of traffic on individual platforms was as follows:


similar web struktura ruchu


At the moment, the structure of desktop/mobile traffic on individual pages is very similar and close to the average for the Internet, given in the nationwide Gemius research:


dystrybucja na urzadzenia


If we extend the SimilarWeb traffic data to all traffic sources, including those that could not be precisely identified by the SimilarWeb system, then the proportions in traffic are almost identical as in the case of traffic from identified sources. In April 2020, the total traffic estimated by SimilarWEB on individual pages was as follows:


calkowity ruch portali motocyklowych kwiecien 2020

Also in this case, over 50% of all visits to the largest motorcycle portals in Poland took place at Ś In total, in April, Ś recorded more entries than the other 4 portals combined.

Traffic statistics on smaller motorcycle pages

The popularity of the internet translated into the number of websites that write about motorcycles on the internet. Above we provide data for the 5 largest portals. If we look at the TOTAL traffic estimated on SimilarWeb on five less popular sites, then we have the following situation:


strony 6 10 ruch calkowity


Among the less popular motorcycle websites in Poland, only two may have enough traffic to allow SimilarWEB to estimate their daily number of visits reliably. That is why only total and are presented in the total traffic data. When estimating the traffic on the pages from the second five, you can use the total number of estimated visits from identified sources:


struktura ruchu 6-10


The sources that IdentWeb identifies for specific pages can be seen in the chart below:


zrodla ruchu 6-10


A large disproportion between the smallest pages and the largest ones is visible in the chart below. This disproportion is the reason why we limit the presented data to the five largest websites about motorcycles as those that have the greatest impact on the opinions of motorcyclists in Poland.


strony 6 10 ruch calkowity i scigacz


We would like to thank the users of Ś for the interest they gave us in April 2020. We are starting the summer project on the track, in which we will meet with you regularly on the Modlin track: We will also increase our presence at rallies and motorcycle events. Our priority is to respond quickly to messages we receive on social networking sites. We will also be making more movies with our fans and readers. We hope that all these activities will make you appreciate our reaction to your interest and Ś will largely be your platform for talking about motorcycles.

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